CB Wire’s partnership with the City of Sacramento’s START onsite
afterschool program supports and enriches our school’s students,
developing their talents and enhancing what they learn each day
in school. In addition to START, we are fortunate to be
located very close to the Lemon Hill Boys & Girls Club, which
also features an afterschool program.
S.T.A.R.T. is an all-inclusive afterschool program brought to
students at Clayton B. Wire, by the City of Sacramento. We
work to meet the needs of the working families in our community
by providing a safe, educational, and structured program.
We are also meeting the need of families that require extra
academic guidance for their children.
Donec ipsum tortor, elementum id hendrerit sed, ultricies at
eros. Cras id auctor nisi. Aliquam eu leo leo, ac volutpat augue.
Sed sed euismod erat. Aliquam venenatis vulputate augue,
vulputate semper mauris convallis semper. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sed est id felis
porttitor dignissim vitae ac dui. Aliquam elit leo, placerat
varius varius a, suscipit id nisl. Phasellus consequat mollis
luctus. Phasellus vitae tellus ac diam pharetra hendrerit.
Pellentesque vel arcu tellus, quis ullamcorper arcu. Duis vel
lectus ac mi aliquet laoreet.