Donec nisl enim, vehicula ac hendrerit eget, rutrum et nibh. Sed
auctor malesuada dolor quis dapibus. Praesent malesuada neque
eros, non dapibus sem. Phasellus scelerisque auctor posuere.
Vestibulum semper ullamcorper erat vitae malesuada. Aliquam
libero diam, tincidunt id dictum at, gravida nec velit. Duis
rutrum molestie enim, in porta lectus elementum eget. Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam accumsan
faucibus dolor, eget adipiscing nisi convallis nec.
All elementary and middle schools have decided to participate in
the School Based Coordinated Program (SBCP) using School
Improvement Program funds; therefore, they are REQURIED to have
School Site Councils. (Some high schools have school site
councils to administer other programs and funds. The bylaws
of these councils govern their activities.) Half of the Council
members are school staff; the majority of this group must be
classroom teachers.