Pellentesque at nunc mi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Pellentesque venenatis lectus a metus tempor semper. Integer eros
felis, pretium eu convallis sit amet, aliquam ac risus. Morbi
fermentum tortor nunc, id iaculis turpis. Nullam pulvinar dolor
id turpis tincidunt fermentum. Suspendisse semper erat euismod
eros molestie eget feugiat augue molestie. Vestibulum molestie,
ante vel cursus facilisis, diam enim vulputate nisl, at dignissim
enim nulla quis arcu. Nulla nec nisi neque. Vestibulum eget
sapien odio, eu vestibulum quam. Nam tempor mauris vitae urna
molestie bibendum. Integer luctus est vitae massa scelerisque
School staff cannot give any medication/s to students without
written instructions from a physician. Please ask at school desk
for the physician authorization form and procedural instructions.
Please mark clothing and belongings with child’s name. We
accumulate jackets, sweaters, lunch boxes, and other personal
effects. Only a few of these items contain enough information to
allow for return to its owner.